




If you have any questions, pls contact our MRI physicist.


non-MRI Resources


Stimulation presentation and button response devices




       The center is equipped with a full line of MRI compatible stimulation presentation and response system from VPIxx Technologies, including PROPixx for visual stimulation,          SOUNDPixx for auditory stimulation, and RESPONSEPixx  for subject response. RESPONSEPIxx in the center pairs with different button boxes, including 1x 4-button Box,              2x 2-button Box, and 2x 5-button Box. All the above components can be conveniently controlled using MATLAB/PTB-3 scripts with DATAPixx3 as the hub.



 EEG system


EEG Amp set


 The center is equipped with EEG recording system from Brain Products for simultaneous EEG MRI. This system includes 2x BrainAMP MR Plus (2x32=64 channels),  1x BrainAmp ExG MR , 2x POWERPACK Battery, and 4 EEG caps from EASYCAP ( 2 cut: Asian or Caucasian, each with 2 head circumference: 56 , 58cm). This EEG system needs to be used with the 64 channel MRI head coil.  

The center also carries actiCAP system (up to 128 channels) for non MRI compatible EEG recording.




MRI compatible physiological signal recording and analysis system



The center is equipped with an MP-160 system with AcqKnowledge software from BIOPAC Systems, Inc..  An EDA 100C MRI module is configured to channel 1 to measure and record the skin conductance for human subjects.   A TSD110-MRI (interface via DA100C) and a FOTS-100 are respectively configured to channel 3 and 5 to measure the respiration and temperature for animals.





MRI compatible eye tracking system




          The center is equipped with  TRACKPixx3 MRI/MEG from VPIxx Technologies. TRACKPixx3 MRI/MEG is an MRI compatible binocular eye tracker with 2KHz sampling rate. TRACKPixx3 is highly recommended to use with the 64 channel MRI head coil.




transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) system




            The center is equipped with a 4 channel DC-STIMULATOR MC/MR  from neuroConn Technology affiliated to neuroCare group for simultaneous tES and MRI study.




Mock Scanner


Mock Scanner


                        The center is equipped with a mock scanner (shell from a retired GE MRI scanner) decorated with the theme of "finding nemo".





Computing Resources

 The center has a powerful 7-node computing cluster with detail hardware configurations summarized below.


Cluster Configuration

Nodes Master1 Master2 Nodes-a,b,c,d Node-e
CPU 2x Intel E5-2650 v4 @2.2GHz 2x Intel E5-2620 v4 @2.1GHz 2x Intel E5-2650 v4 @2.2GHz (each node) 2x Intel E5-2680 v4 @ 2.4GHz
Number of Threads 48 32 48 (each node) 56
RAM 256 GB 128GB 256GB(each node) 512GB
Storages Primary: 183 TB (RAID6) Backup: 197 TB (RAID6)